Okay, time to update the model! I know it looks like there hasn’t been a lot of progress, but there’s just a lot more of the little details to put together rather than the large pieces. But today’s update is certainly a big one: the boiler finally gets set on the chassis, and the model now look significantly like the Holliday.

First, I realize that the lighting is not great. I’ll update the…the update…with natural daylighting later. Anyway, the above shows the mainly completed chassis, including the engine brace, forward tank, rockers and links, eccentric rods, saddle, and a simplified spring and equalizing system. But, All it’s all hard to see with everything painted black.

Here the drivers and pilot truck are fitted into their places.

And the boiler set onto the chassis.

The boiler jacket is painted a special gloss black with a drop of silver. In the daylight, the color is a dark gray with hint silver speckles–pretty convincing I think.
You might notice that the sand and steam domes don’t appear to be parallel, but I think that’s an illusion in the pictures. They seem to be upright in the real model.

When I was building the computer model, I posted the same milestone update when the boiler was set on the chassis. For comparison, here’s the computer model I posted in that update:

So, hopefully the next update will be the running boards set in and preliminary plumbing. Then, setting the cab should be about the end of the model.