The engine’s plumbing is (almost) finished! This was, by far, the most head-scratching induced phase of the model.
Here’s a checklist of what’s done:
- Dry pipe
- Header
- Steam gauge supply
- Blower
- Air compressor steam supply
- Atomizer (steam)
- Hydrostatic lubricator, steam in
- Hydrostatic lubricator, oil out
- Boiler water sight glass, supply and return
- Boiler water sight glass, drain
- Left injector: water feed from tender, steam supply, and overflow
- Right injector: water feed from tender, steam supply, and overflow
- Left and right injecting water feed to boiler
- Dual try-cocks
- Air compressor exhaust
- Air compressor compressed air line to air tank
- Air compressor governor line
- Air line from tank to brake stand
- Air line from equalizing tank to brake stand
- Air line from brake stand to left and right brake cylinders
- Air line from brake stand to duplex gauge, black pointer
- Air line from brake stand to duplex gauge, red pointer
- Air tank condensate drain
- Atomizer (oil)
- Air line from brake stand to tender
- Blowdown (water)
- Blowdown (air line)
- Mechanical lubricator feed line left and right
Not completed:
- Compressed air umbilical hookup
- Try-cock funnel
- Equalizing tank condensate drain
I am seriously impressed with your attention to detail. You are inspiring me to take more care with my own 3D models.