Where can I get the finished products shown on this blog?
Head over to ckhollidayplans.com!

What programs do you use to make the model?
Mainly Solidworks (2011).

What do you use for information/reference?
Steve’s DeGaetano’s book Welcome Aboard the Disneyland Railroad
Meyer’s Modern Locomotive Construction
My DRR drawings
Any odd piece of information that I happen to come across
And I’d love to get my hands on this one day.

How accurate is it/will it be?
Without disassembling the original engine and measuring every piece, there are a lot of unknowns to work through. As long as I apply the principles of steam locomotive, following what a builder “would” typically do, it should be fairly reasonable. And with the excellent sources I listed above, the end product should be fairly accurate.

There are inevitable errors of about 0.5″ or so here and there, but I think the project captures the spirit of the engine very successfully.

Also, it would be faster if this is just a straight-through modeling challenge. But in reality, a lot of this project is research.

I know for a fact that your modeling of XYZ is wrong
Please leave your comment!

I need to get in touch
Please send me a message! I have a perfectly functional message form on my site. Really!

10 thoughts on “Q&A”

  1. after you finish. can i(and others) download this model and turn it into a model for a simulator game like MSTS, trainz or railworks?

  2. Sir, I commend you on an excellent model. I am attempting something along the same lines from some erection diagrams of an 1871 Baldwin 4-4-0 as part of my thesis in animation and VFX using maya. I can’t even begin to tell you how valuable your sharing of your process is to me, as I have become swamped more in trying to visualize what is going on in those diagrams than I have been in modeling.

  3. Hello,

    I’m Fred the designer who works with Mike Kent Show Ride Engineering Disneyland Paris, I was pleasantly surprised on the link below you rebuilt the Loco Holliday http://whiskeybeforebreakfast.wordpress.com/page/5/

    We are interested to recover the great work you’ve done on SolidWorks, your work will help us to gain a huge amount of time on various projects of our Loco.

    We are currently struggling with the air compressor, because we do not have detailed drawings of parts and no spares.
    The compressor is a WESTINGHOUSE (type: KL2D).

    For SolidWorks files would it be possible to make a composition to transfer by https://www.relayit.net/

    Thank you very much for the help and congratulations for the 3D

    Best regards,

    Bernard Frédéric
    Disneyland Resort Paris
    Show & Ride Engineering
    Bât Aladdin / Mezzanine sud BP 100
    77777 Marne la Vallée CEDEX 4
    E.mail: Frederic.bernard@disney.com

  4. I’d love to see a working water tower and refueling station. Your work so far looks great! Keep the videos coming!

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