The test builds of update 1.0.2 are running well so far. Only one or two bugs were identified and are being hunted down this weekend. I’m finishing up with the packaging of both Windows installer and macOS images, and updating the manual, then we’re good to go!
When the update is uploaded and live, it will be announced here on this blog.
So now that we’re code freezing the update, here’s the final list of new features and changes:
VERSION 1.0.2, released 2019-06
- NEW! Added interactive fireman feature. Active by pressing the F4 key
- NEW! Added hydrostatic lubricator oil metering droplet effect
- NEW! Added camera motion blur effect
- NEW! Added smoke stack exhaust heat blur effect
- NEW! Added people and background sound effects through out the parks
- Changed out “auto firing” to interactive fireman
- Rolled “auto inject water” into interactive fireman
- Added clamp to smoke texture alpha
- Added texturing details at park main entrance tunnels
- Added a configuration option to allow user to reduce the texture resolution size for performance tuning/improvement
- Slightly tweaked the blue sky color (more saturation). Blue sky color is now also user editable.
- Updated/slightly tweaked the color grading profiles (less blue tone through out)
- Fixed the hydrostatic lubricator metering valve not outputting correctly
- Fixed target FPS setting not saving in Windows version
- Fixed bell cradle “drifting” off the yoke
- Fixed 1956 map crashing and mouse sensitivity setting not taking effect
- Tweaked many 3D sound effects (should now be slightly more immersive and space-correct)
- Fixed steam cloud exhaust bug in cold weather
- Fixed texturing issues on Frontierland Station
- Fixed inconsistent GUI (menu) fonts and minor GUI/menu improvements
- Numerous night lighting tweaks to DL 55-56 scenery
- Updated the manual
Some pictures from 1.0.2:

Wow Preston, from these pictures, everything looks really beautiful. Its definitely a work of art. And I’m so excited to try out the new features. -Especially the interactive fireman. Sometimes I like to fire the locomotive, but most of the time I like to just be engineer and worry only about driving the train. These new features will be so fun! And I can’t wait to hear the sounds of Disneyland and see people in the park! Thank you, for this simulator, and for continuing to improve it!
Can’t wait to play. you might see a new youtube video on my channel
I hope that it’ll be released before this Thursday.
Ok lets get this out of the way. I have two questions 1st one is what will “Set drifting” do and what will be the key bind for the menu?
I can answer those questions. Preston said in a previous update that “Set Drifting” is for when you’re just maintaining velocity. Which makes sense because its between “Prepare to Depart” and “Prepare to Stop”. It also makes sense because when departing the fireman must build up a head of steam, and when preparing to stop, the fireman must ease off the fire so there isn’t too much steam build up when the locomotive isn’t moving. However when rolling down the rails, the fireman’s adjustments to the fire aren’t very big adjustments. As for the key bind for the menu, its F1
Very good, Alex. I added some more info in my reply to Mason. The updated manual in 1.0.2 also explains the fireman’s role in more detail.
Alex got it about right. The 3 phases (pulling out, drifting, and stopping) has some differences in the job demand for the fireman. Pulling out: most steam is used. Stopping: no need to try to build a big pressure reserve. Coasting: just very minor adjustments, depending on the speed of the train. As the train speed increases, so does the draft, and the fireman has to make adjustments accordingly.
Is there a way to disable motion blur? Can’t seem to find an option for that.
how do you turn off the motion blur