what about the other engines?

I’m going to dedicate some posts answering frequently asked questions about the sim. Perhaps the most asked question of all time is “what about the other engines?”

I get the demand. It would be cool to try your hand at all the different engines, and not everyone’s favorite engine is either the #1 or #2. But, it’s not so easy a task to bring the other engines into the sim. As you know, the goal of the sim is to be as accurate as possible a digital replica of those steam engines, so just slapping on a different engine skin on the existing engine won’t work.

But, to recreate the other engines, the #3, #4, and #5, requires very close access to the engine in order to record the sound, get photo references, and most importantly watch how the engine behaves under different circumstances. Number 3 and 5 are particularly the most difficult because there’s no cab ride available (except for that one time…) so it’s very challenging to get the necessary observation.

I was very fortunate way back many years ago to have had such access to the engines and the crew. I watched and learn many things but I don’t have that luxury anymore. So, until I can have that kind of access and insight, I’m afraid there just isn’t going to be enough data to rebuild these engines in the sim.

10 thoughts on “what about the other engines?”

  1. I’m at Disneyland right now and can understand exactly what you mean, indeed. the sim taught me about the engines way beyond what Tender Rides(and even Disney world’s tours) can and i can clearly assume that a really close access to the engines is necessary to learn and recreate all the stuff and lift such a project.

  2. I can totally understand that. In fact I myself didn’t expect to see other engines on the sim, I knew it would require information you can’t get unless you have access. But, the question I do have is…will there be another Disneyland park version? If so, what year will you model, and when can we see it? Personally, I’d like to see Disneyland circa 1980 or 2018…just the opportunity to pull the E.P. Ripley out of the current roundhouse…or to ride through the dioramas…or around the new left turn in Frontierland…oh man. I’d pay anything for that.

    1. 2018 route with Ripley… heck yes!!! Preston please let us do stuff long before it actually happens in real life

      also the grades on the new route will add challenges that just weren’t there in the 1955/6 versions and the highball sim ranch

      1. Yes, having another version of the park with some grades could give the sim some life. I’m looking into getting some help with 3D modeling for another park that’s kinda in the works in the background.

        1. there are many Facebook groups about 3D modelling in which you can ask, i am sure everyone in the business knows what unity is and has been to a disney park at least once(knows what to expect). that’s how i found a 3D modeller to my project

        2. How’s the update and how are the other engines coming along? Will there be more trees, rides, tomorrowland station, grand canyon prime evil world of the dinosaurs and the roundhouse after fantasyland station and before tomorrowland station?

    2. Making another park is a very logical step. There’s another version on the back burner. I need help putting it together and have been scouting for a 3D modeler. Who knows 🙂

  3. I hope there’s going to be all 5 locomotives if not hopefully 2 more the Fred Gurley and the Ernest S Marsh! how’s it going with the new version? Why haven’t you posted anymore updates since September 15th 2018?

    1. Hi Cody, yes updates are slow lately. I think I’ve explained what’s been going on in a post earlier. It’s just hard to find time to work on the sim these days.

      1. How’s the update and how are the other engines coming along? Will there be more trees, rides, tomorrowland station, grand canyon prime evil world of the dinosaurs and the roundhouse after fantasyland station and before tomorrowland station?

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