2: long and short wedges

The wedges serve as a wearing surface for the axle box. They protect the pedestal legs.

This screenshot shows the long wedge. It forms a C-shape to cover the forward leg.

This shows the short wedge. It was a circular cutout at the bottom to receive a bolt head, which is used to adjust the wedge up and down on the aft pedestal leg.

The detail also shows the dimensions used (assumed).

And here the frames are laid side by side, ready for assembling the engine on top.

1: frames and pedestal

Here is the engine’s frames, starting with outlining and defining the dimensions:

This detail shows the intricate cutting around the jaw that will later receive the axle box assembly. I don’t think there will ever be the way to know what it actually looks like without disassembling the real #1.

And here is the “pedestal cap” that will close the jaws: